Using the utility software
8-44 Pi4700e
Network Interface Card Chapter 8
Deleting a queue from the list does not physically delete the object
from the file server. You must use the NetWare utility to physically de-
lete the queue from the queue list.
Create Queue
The following explains the meaning of each field.
Queue Name
Type in the name of the new queue. You must input a queue name
here whenever creating a new field. This field accepts input of up to 48
File Server Volume
Specifies the volume for creation of a queue. This field is enabled only
when the current connection is an NDS connection, and lists all avail-
able volumes. In the case of a bindery services volume, the default vol-
ume name is SYS.
NDS Context
Specifies the NDS context for creation of a queue. This field is enabled
only when the current connection is an NDS connection. The initial de-
fault for this field is the NDS context specified by the Add Queue dialog
box. Changing the contents of this field displays a confirmation mes-
sage asking whether a check should be performed to determine
whether the new context exists in the directory tree. Click the
ton to start the check.
Setting Up Notification
Notify Settings
dialog box appears whenever you double-click an
item listed in the
Users/Groups Notified by Printer
field on the Print
Server dialog box. Use this dialog box to define users and groups to re-
ceive notifications.
The Network Card supports notification in bindery mode only.
The following explains the fields on this dialog box.
User/Group name
Specifies the name of the user or group whose notification settings are
being edited. You cannot change the content of this field.