Printronix P5000LJ Printer User Manual

MPE-XL / MPE / iX Typical Configuration
Restarting at the point of interruption when a particular
spool file is reprinted after being interrupted previously by a
In this case, a spool file is reprinted after being interrupted by a command
such as
spoolf #0 nnn;defer. For P5000LJ printers, when the spool
file is undeferred, after being interrupted with the deferred option, a silent run
(PLR) will occur up until the page following the last one printed.
A spool file can also be interrupted with the
spooler ldev; stop
command, but this command should be avoided for a P5000LJ printer
connected to the network with the NIC. This is due to network printing
problems with stopping mid-file server.
HP e3000 / MPE-XL / MPE / iX: DTC Configuration
MPE-XL / MPE / iX Typical Configuration
Within NMMGR follow the menu:
Open Config
Go to Profiles
Add or
Printer Type [22] (21, 22, or 26)
or Printer Type File Name _______
Line Speed [9600] (300 through 38400)
Record Width [132] (1 . . . 2048 bytes)
Modem Type [0] (0-None, 1-US, 2-Europe)
Parity [NONE] (None, Even, Odd, 0's, 1's)
Initially Spooled [Y] (Y,N)
Device Class . . . user's choice
Save Data
Prior Screen . . . twice
Go to DTC
Config Card
Assign Profile to LDEV
Save Data
Validate Link/DTX