RS-232 And RS-422 Serial Interfaces
The RS-232 and RS-422 serial interfaces enable the printer to operate with bit
serial devices that are compatible with an RS-232 controller. The input serial
data transfer rate (in baud) is selectable from the printer operator panel. Baud
rates of 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, and 38,400 are available for
RS-232 and RS-422.
The input format consists of a single start bit, 7 or 8 data bits, and one or two
stop bits. The number of data bits is determined by printer configuration. The
data bits are interpreted with the least significant bit first. Parity checking is
determined by printer configuration options selected from the operator panel.
24 Signal Ground (Data 5)
25 Signal Ground (Data 6)
26 Signal Ground (Data 7)
27 Signal Ground (Data 8)
28 Signal Ground (PError, Select, nAck)
29 Signal Ground (Busy, nFault)
30 Signal Ground (nAutoFd, nSelectIn, nInit)
31 Host nInit
32 Printer NFault nDataAvail aDataAvail
33 Not Defined
34 Not Defined
35 Not Defined
36 Host nSelectIn 1284 Active 1284 Active
Table 19. Bi-Tronics Signals (continued)
Pin Source of Data
Type of Mode
Compatible Nibble Byte
Note The RS-232 and RS-422 serial interface circuit characteristics are
compatible with the Electronic Industry Association Specifications
-232-E and EIA-422-B.