Chapter 2 Catalog Manager 125
4. Select the plan that you want to set as the default.
5. Click OK.
The default plan is automatically assigned to new Developer accounts until
alternative assignments are made.
▼ Deleting a Developer Plan
Before you delete a Developer plan, you might want to review the Developer
accounts that are associated with the plan. See
S“Viewing Developer Licensees” on
page 121.
To delete a Developer plan, follow these steps:
1. From the Catalog Manager administration console, click Plans in the main menu
2. Click the Developer Plans tab.
The Developer Plan Management page is displayed.
3. Select Developer Plans from the View drop-down list.
4. Click the Developer plan that you want to delete.
The default plan cannot be deleted. To delete the plan currently assigned as the
default, you must first assign a different plan as the default.
5. Click Delete.
A confirmation message asks you to confirm that you want to delete the Developer