44 Administrator Guide • 2005Q4
Managing Submitted Content
Developers submit content in packages that consist of their created content and XML
files with support and description information. Developers submit content through
the Developer portal. When content is submitted to the Catalog Manager, the
Catalog Manager runs an automated validation process on the content to ensure
there is no malicious content and the content matches the Catalog Manager’s
supported devices.
The Submitted Content page displays all content submitted to the Catalog Manager.
This is the default page displayed when you first log in to the Catalog Manager.
Use the Submitted Content page to review content before you publish it to your
Vending Managers. The page provides the total number of submitted contents.
These items can consist of content undergoing review as well content whose status
has changed from Published to Pending, Testing, or Denied. The total number of
items in a particular state are displayed to the left of each state.
Submitted content can have one of the statuses described in TABLE 2-8.
Note – Testing content is available to Vending Managers for distribution to certain
subscribers. Testing content is available only to subscribers with testing roles
(assigned by the Vending Manager) and published content is available to regular
▼ Viewing Submitted Content
The Submitted Content page displays the total number of submitted content, so you
know what the manager’s workload is and what to expect. You can view a list of all
content in any state.
TABLE 2-8 Content Status Types
State Definition
New Content that has successfully passed the Catalog Manager’s
automatic validation process, but requires your review and
approval before it is published.
Pending Content that requires further review before being published.
Testing Content currently undergoing or requiring testing prior to being
Unpublished Content that was published but is currently unavailable to the
Vending Manager and subscribers.
Denied Content that is rejected, but is not deleted from the database yet.