Chapter 2 Catalog Manager 21
Inapplicable Content
Short Messaging Service (SMS) content types (monophonic ringtone, operator
logo, group logo, and sms picture) are supported in the Content Delivery
Server. Due to the delivery format for SMS content, DRM protection cannot be
applied. The No DRM option is associated by default for all SMS content types.
Remotely hosted copyrighted content also cannot have DRM associated with it.
Attempts to submit remotely hosted content items that have content types that are
associated with one of the DRM options (other than No DRM) fail.
See “Pricing Content” on page 26 for information on the pricing models that can be
used for these types of content.
Using CDS DRM Agents and CDS OMA
Forward Lock
The Content Delivery Server provides you with CDS DRM Agents and CDS OMA
DRM 1.0 Forward Lock. CDS DRM Agents can only be used for MIDlet content
types while CDS OMA DRM 1.0 Forward Lock can be used for any supported
content type in the Content Delivery Server. CDS DRM has several agents that verify
a subscriber’s license.
TABLE 2-2 describes the CDS DRM Agents.
TABLE 2-2 CDS DRM Agents
Title Description
Disconnected Time
Supports the download-based (free always, first download only, and
every download) pricing model and the time-based (recurring
subscription and per period) pricing model.
Disconnected Use
Supports the download-based (free always, first download only, and
every download) pricing model, the usage-based (trial and per use)
pricing model and the time-based (per period) pricing model.
Disconnected Use
and Time Sensitive
Supports all pricing models.