Program Mode Commands
11/24/09 APL-I Reference Guide 14177L-003
Interleaved 2 of 5
Purpose To specify an Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code field.
Supported Based on testing, this command works the same on the Zebra printer with
APL-I firmware as on the 3400D printer.
Notes Things to be aware of:
•The c2 command has one argument, m for mode, which defaults to 0.
• The Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code supports these modes:
m Interleaved 2 of 5 Mode
0 No check digit.
1 Printer provides check digit.
2 User provides check digit.
• Zeros are added to any odd length strings.
Code 2 of 5
Purpose To specify a Code 2 of 5 bar code field.
Supported Based on testing, this command works the same on the Zebra printer with
APL-I firmware as on the 3400D printer.
Notes Things to be aware of:
c3 command has one argument, m for mode, which defaults to 0.
• The Code 2 of 5 bar code supports these modes:
m Interleaved 2 of 5 Mode
0 Start/stop code size is 3 bars.
1 Start/stop code size is 2 bars.