3–12 Creating Storagesets
❏ Storing program image libraries or run-time libraries for rapid loading
❏ Storing large tables or other structures of read-only data for rapid application
❏ Collecting data from external sources at very high data transfer rates
■ Stripesets are not well-suited for the following applications:
❏ A storage solution for data that cannot be easily reproduced or for data that
must be available for system operation
❏ Applications that make requests for small amounts of sequentially-located
❏ Applications that make synchronous random requests for small amounts of
By spreading the traffic evenly across the buses, you will ensure that no bus handles
the majority of data to the storageset.
Using Mirrorsets to Ensure Availability
Mirrorsets use redundancy to ensure availability, as illustrated in Figure 3–5. For each
primary disk drive, there is at least one mirror disk drive. Thus, if a primary disk drive
fails, its mirror drive immediately provides an exact copy of the data.