Compaq HSZ80 Network Card User Manual

2–28 Configuring an HSZ80 Array Controller
b. If you are using a terminal instead of a PC, you can order a cable from the
local field service office as shown in figure 1-5.
2. Turn on the PC or terminal.
3. Configure the PC or terminal for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
The default baud rate for the HSZ80 Array Controller is 9600, which makes
communication between the two compatible.
4. Press the Enter or Return key. A copyright notice and the CLI prompt appear,
indicating that you established a local connection with the controller.
5. Optional: Increase the data transfer rate to 19200 baud:
a. Set the controller to 19200 baud with one of the following commands:
b. Configure the PC or terminal for 19200 baud.
When you are entering CLI commands in a dual-redundant controller configuration,
remember that the controller to which you’re connected is this controller and the other
controller is the “other controller” as shown in Figure 2–6.
Figure 2–6. “This Controller” and “Other Controller”
Other controller
This controller