5–48 CLI Commands
Divides a non-transportable disk drive storageset into several, separately addressable
storage units. The command marks a specified percentage of a disk drive or storageset
to be used as a separately addressable unit. You can divide any nontransportable disk
or storageset into a maximum of eight partitions. Each partition can be separately
presented to the host. Partitions are not supported in multiple bus failover mode.
Initialize disks and storagesets before creating partitions.
NOTE: Partitioned units cannot function in multiple bus failover dual-redundant
configurations. Because they are not supported, you must delete your partitions
before configuring the controllers for multiple bus failover.
After you partition a container, you must initialize it in order to destroy the partitions.
CREATE_PARTITION container-name SIZE=percent
Identifies the disk or storageset to partition. This is the same name given to the disk or
storageset when it was created with the ADD command (for example, ADD DISK,
ADD STRIPESET, and so forth). Any disk, stripeset, mirrorset, striped mirrorset, or
RAIDset can be partitioned. A transportable disk cannot be partitioned. You must
initialize the container before creating the first partition.
Specifies the size of the partition to be created as a percentage of the total container’s
storageset size.