
3–48 Creating Storagesets
Device Switches
When you add a disk drive or other storage device to your subsystem, you can enable
the following switches:
Transportability (only disk drives)
Device transfer rate
Local/Remote (only disk drives)
Indicate whether a disk drive is transportable when you add it to your subsystem:
NOTRANSPORTABLE disk drives (default) are marked with StorageWorks-
exclusive metadata. This metadata supports the error-detection and recovery
methods that the controller uses to ensure data availability. Disk drives that
contain this metadata cannot be used in non-StorageWorks subsystems.
Consider these points when using the NOTRANSPORTABLE switch:
When you bring nontransportable devices from another subsystem to your
controller subsystem, add the device to your configuration using the ADD com-
mand. Do not initialize the device, or you will reset and destroy any forced error
information contained on the device.
When you add units, the controller software verifies that the disks or storag-
esets within the units contain metadata that matches the configuration. If there is
no match or metadata is not present, the controller displays a message; initialize
the disk or storageset before adding it.
TRANSPORTABLE disk drives can be used in non-StorageWorks subsystems.
Transportable disk drives can be used as single-disk units in StorageWorks
subsystems as well as disk drives in other systems. They cannot be combined into
storagesets in a StorageWorks subsystem.
TRANSPORTABLE is especially useful for moving a disk drive from a worksta-
tion into your StorageWorks subsystem. When you add a disk drive as transport-
able, you can configure it as a single-disk unit and access the data that was
previously saved on it.