MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 159
3. Look for the snmpd process. There may be more than one, so use the lowest process ID, which
is the first instance of the process. The listing will look similar to this:
121 ? SN 0:00 /usr/sbin/snmpd -c /etc/snmpd.conf
4. Restart the snmpd agent by issuing the following command:
kill -s SIGHUP [snmpd_process_id]
Where snmpd_process_id is the process ID of the snmpd process found in the step above.
17.3.3 Configuring the Agent Back to SNMP v1
To reconfigure the agent back to SNMP v1, follow the same steps as above substituting the /etc/
snmpdv1.conf for /etc/snmpdv3.conf, using the command:
cp /etc/snmpdv1.conf /etc/snmpd.conf
17.3.4 Setting up an SNMP v1 MIB Browser
By default the community name for the SNMP agent on the CMM is ‘public’ for both read and
write. This can be changed by editing the /etc/snmpd.conf file on the CMM. The SNMP MIB
browser needs to match the community name (default ‘public’) for both read and write.
17.3.5 Setting up an SNMP v3 MIB Browser
To manage the CMM via SNMP v3 MIB browser/manager (mg-soft, net-snmp, etc.), the user
needs to configure the browser with the following parameters:
1. Load and compile the MPCMM0001.MIB file
2. Set the SNMP v3 security parameters:
— Set SNMP v3 agent user
At default, User: root
— Set the MD5 Authentication password: cmmrootpass
— Set the DES Encryption password: cmmrootpass
17.3.6 Changing the SNMP MD5 and DES Passwords
To change the MD5 Authentication and DES Encryption passwords for the SNMP interface on the
CMM, use one of the following methods:
Method 1:
1. Edit the file /etc/var/snmpd.conf on the active CMM and add the following line:
createUser root MD5 cmmrootpass DES cmmrootpass
This line allow the creation of user root with MD5 authentication password as cmmrootpass, and
DES encryption password as cmmrootpass.
2. Add more lines for more users if needed.