246 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
FRU Update Configuration File
Table 109 gives a brief overview of the various PROBE arguments and their expected inputs. All
arguments in this table follow the PROBE command on the same line in the file.
27.11 Example Configuration File
The following three configuration files are an example package that could be used to update
multiple systems to various versions the FRU (upgrade / downgrade). The file in the ‘master’
section is the one launched by the utility; the other files are referenced by the ‘master’. The menu
prompts the user for which version of the FRU to update to, and proceeds to call the version update
regarding that choice.
27.11.1 Chassis Update Version 0
CONFIGURATION "CDM FRU update" "MPCHC0000" "Ver 4.x"
// Set the FRU name so we can probe the FRU version info
Table 109. Probe Arguments Quick Reference
Probe Arguments Description
Format 1: 1+ arguments. Probes the system for the BMC operational code version and
verifies that if falls within the range of versions supplied in the arguments.
ASCII String (1+)
BMC version ranges to check against the system version. Three formats: ‘X’ – one version, ‘X-
Y’ – inclusive range, and ‘X+’ – inclusive infinite range.
Format 2: 2+ arguments. Probes the system for the BMC boot code version and verifies that
if falls within the range of versions supplied in the arguments.
“BOOT” Key word signaling that this probe is for the boot code version.
ASCII String (1+)
BMC version ranges to check against the system version. Three formats: ‘X’ – one version, ‘X-
Y’ – inclusive range, and ‘X+’ – inclusive infinite range.
Probes the current FRUNAME or FRUADDRESS for the FRU’s board ‘FRU file ID’ value and
verifies that if falls within the range of versions supplied in the arguments.
ASCII String (1+)
FRU version ranges to check against the system version. Three formats: ‘X’ – one version, ‘X-
Y’ – inclusive range, and ‘X+’ – inclusive infinite range.
Probes the current FRUNAME or FRUADDRESS for the FRU’s board ‘Part Number’ value
and verifies that it matches the length and value (case insensitive) of the next parameter.
ASCII String String to compare to the board ‘Part Number’.