Paradyne 4200 Network Card User Manual

11. Log Commands
August 2002 4200-A2-GB20-00
The RTRV-LOG command retrieves selected logs.
Response Format
If, in less than 2 seconds, a normal or error response cannot be sent, the following
acknowledgment response will be sent:
IP c
After the above response, a new command input may be generated.
Normal Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* RTRV-LOG:[tid]:[aid_log]:[ctag]:lognm */
/* logdump */
Error Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* RTRV-LOG:[tid]:[aid_log]:[ctag]:lognm */
Table 11-3. RTRV-LOG Command Parameters
RESTRICTIONS: All parameters in this command are position-defined.
[tid] The identification of the target NE. TID is optional and has a default
value of null. The NE's SID code is the only other valid value.
log_id COM is the only allowed value other than NULL.
[ctag] The correlation tag that correlates an input command with its associated
output response(s). It is assigned by the originator of the command. The
value is limited to six characters, which may be an identifier or a decimal
numeral. It is optional with a default of 0.
lognm Names of logs to be retrieved. ALL is not supported. Valid values are:
UNKCELL [aid_atmport]: Unknown cell log for the ATM interface.
SYSTEM: System log containing records of all significant system events
(alarms, events, database chages, ftp file transfer status, and security
SECURITY: Security messages (from the system log).