Chapter 8: Creating Users, Categories, Views
This chapter describes procedures to add users, delete and modify users, build views, and create
categories. Build your own custom way of looking at your network, called views, and then assign
them to your users. Categories allow you to define specific groups of systems and/or services.
The rules created when defining categories will be used in the user interface, the reports, and
availability calculations.
Create, Modify, Delete Users
Only those with administrative privileges can add, modify or delete existing users. Users provide
a way for you to control access to the appliance's web interface, as well as map email and pager
destination addresses and duty schedules to individual technicians. If adding or modifying users,
be prepared with user IDs, passwords, notification contact information, for example, email
addresses and/or pager e-mails, and duty schedule information.
Note: To add a user to a notification group, refer to
Chapter 6: Configuring Notifications. This
way if a notification gets sent to an entire group, the user that is added to the notification group
will also receive the notification.
Add a New User
Use this option to add a new user.
1. Click on the Admin tab in the top navigation bar.
2. Click User Configuration.
Figure 118 Managing users
3. Click add new user.
Figure 119 Adding a New User
4. Type a username. The username must begin with a letter and can contain only alpha-numeric
characters. Spaces and punctuation is not allowed.
5. Type and confirm a password, which must begin with a letter.
6. Select the role of the user you are adding: