Appendix B: Troubleshooting
Raritan wants to be involved from the beginning of your deployment and throughout the entire
lifetime of your use of Raritan products. We have identified the following as the three pillars on
which the success of your deployment rests:
• Your network – Understanding and maintaining your network is key to success. This means
understanding the technologies and equipment configurations that are deployed, as well as the
technologies that the Raritan appliances employ to manage those devices.
• The Raritan products – The CC-NOC will be the centerpiece of your management platforms.
Keeping it properly configured and integrated is key to success.
• Integration into the Raritan support structure – The Raritan support structure is here to make
certain that your Raritan services are up to date and running smoothly. Leveraging the
expertise of our staff is not only a benefit, but also a critical component of our mutual success.
We have placed these three pillars in this order because this is the order in which you are most
concerned with them. Your network is always the most important. The Raritan products act as a
foundation supporting the health of your network. As a foundation below the Raritan products,
the Raritan support structure is there to keep the CC-NOC healthy.
Just as you would maintain a large building, we recommend keeping your foundations healthy.
Therefore, we will present these pillars from the foundation up. If you first make certain that you
can integrate into the Raritan support structure, we can help you in troubleshooting issues
surrounding your CC-NOC. If you next make certain that your CC-NOC appliances are healthy,
they will be the tools that help you heal your network.
The Raritan Support Structure
Raritan is here to support you. This is what sets Raritan apart from the vendors of other network
management systems. You should, above all else, make certain that your Raritan services are
installed such that you can take full advantage of this service. Here is what you will gain from our
support structure:
• Automatic updates – We are constantly improving the Raritan services. If you are
integrated into the Raritan support structure, we will provide these improvements to you
To integrate into the Raritan support structure, we ask only that you are aware of the following
services and have an operational plan for utilizing them. In later sections of this chapter, see
Raritan Support Structure, we will provide details on how to maintain and troubleshoot
these critical components.
The CC-NOC’s Ability to SSH to Raritan
The CC-NOC should be able to reach Raritan’s central management servers. This is critical to
downloading and installing updates and providing requested data back to Technical Support.
These sessions, which only occur per user request, require that you allow the CC-NOC to SSH
back to a secured facility and a disaster recovery site. The CC-NOC utilizes well-known
protocols protected by industry-standard encryption for outbound communications.
Once a connection has been established, Technical Support can connect directly to the CC-NOC
to diagnose or fix problems with the appliance. The connection is completely private and secure
and uses industry-standard encryption schemes to encrypt all traffic to and from the appliance for
the duration of the connection.