Add a new TAP Service
In this step, you need to enter the phone number, baud rate, and other information for a TAP
service. Different phone carriers will typically have separate TAP services so if you have pagers
from different phone carriers or from different manufacturers, you may need to enter settings for
several TAP services. Refer to your phone carrier for more information about TAP service
availability and settings.
These settings are necessary for the modem to dial out and connect to a TAP service. Fields that
are required are marked with an asterisk.
To add a TAP provider:
4. Click add new tap service.
Figure 111 Editing TAP Service
5. Type a unique identifier for this TAP service in Service Name. This is required.
6. Type the phone number of the TAP service in Phone Number. If the phone line that the
modem will be attached to requires certain prefixes, such as "9" to dial out, enter those values
while configuring TAP modem settings – please see the next section Edit Modem
Parameters for additional information.
7. Type the Password for the TAP service.
8. Select the Baud Rate and Parity of the service. These are required fields.
9. Type a maximum message size in bytes. This is optional.
10. Type a maximum number of pages per message. This is optional.
11. Click save service settings.