available, yet do not want them automatically installed, set Auto Download to enable, but leave
Auto Install configured as disabled.
1. Click on the Admin tab in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Advanced Administration.
3. Click System Software & Signature Updates.
4. Click Configure Automatic Download Settings.
Figure 47 View All Updates
5. Click Enabled or Disabled for Auto Check, Auto Download, and Auto Install.
6. If you are using a proxy server for HTTP requests you may need to enter the proxy settings in
order for manual or auto-downloads to work. If you are using a proxy, click Yes to the
question and enter in the proxy information in the provided fields. If you are not using a
proxy click No.
7. Click save settings.
Upload Update Manually
For those who do not have Internet access or choose not to use the web-based update
functionality, files can be manually downloaded to any location using the username and password
provided and subsequently uploaded to the CC-NOC.
The Upload File: dialog box was created to facilitate that upload. Note that only valid Raritan
patch files can be uploaded to this appliance. The upload of other files may cause problems with
the appliance and may void your warranty.
1. Click on the Admin tab in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Advanced Administration.
3. Click Browse:
4. Select the file to upload and click Open.
5. Click upload.