Note: In a distributed environment, to install a license for a CC-NOC 2500M or CC-NOC 2500S,
from the CC-NOC 2500N click on the Admin tab, click Upload Appliance Licenses, and click
load new appliance license.
Installed Appliances List
Use this page to change the name or description of a CC-NOC and disable specific functionality
on the appliance.
The Raritan suite of services includes a series of hardware-based and software-based solutions to
address the entire complement of network, systems, and security management for your
1. Click on the Admin tab in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Installed Appliances List.
Figure 57 Installed Appliances List
The table above reflects all of the appliances that have been configured to report information back
to this Web Console. This listing of appliances also includes a free-form note with each entry,
allowing you to change the name that the appliance uses when it reports to the Web Console, as
well as to provide additional information about that appliance, such as where it is installed, whom
to contact if there are problems in that environment, or a specific problem you may be using the
appliance to troubleshoot.
Note: In a distributed environment, you need to shutdown all CC-NOC appliances that may be
connected to the CC-NOC 2500N before changing the name.
3. To change the name or note associated with any given appliance, click the current name of
the appliance to be redirected to a page where this change is possible. Note that this
functionality is only available to the admin user.