Server Management
●Manage the print server on
Windows NT.
Install Printer
● Install a printer to the file server.
Remove Printer
● Remove a printer from the file server.
Print Job Management
● Displays the print job list sent from the printer on
the file server.
Printers shared in Windows NT Server
Continued from previous page.
● Input Username and Password
Group Management
●Create, delete and view the
●Add/Remove a printer to/from
a group.
Create Group
● Create a group.
Delete Group
● Delete a group.
View Group
● View the groups.
Add Printer
● Add a printer to a group.
Remove Printer
● Remove a printer from a group.
NetPanel Setting
●Set how NetPanel performs
the functions.
Admin Setting
● Set Administrator’s password.
WNP Setting
● Set the appearance and action of NetPanel.
Discovery Setting
● Set the default settings for printer discovery.