➀ IPX/SPX Print Server Name
Enter the name of the print server to be created. It must match the setting from NetWare.
NOTE: It is set with “MFP_XXXXXX” when shipped from the factory (where "XXXXXX" is the serial number of the
NIC). This name is assigned as the printer's port name when the Peer-to-Peer utility (IPX/SPX) is used.
➁ NetWare Printer Server Context
Enter the NDS Context. It is available only in NDS mode.
➂ NetWare NDS Tree Name
Enter the NDS tree name. It is available only in NDS mode.
➃ Queue Server Job Polling Interval
Enter the time interval in seconds for the print server to scan the print queues.
NOTE: It is set to “1” as a factory default.
➄ Device Password
The device password is required to save changes. The device password is automatically entered in the field.
➅ [Change Now!]
Click on this to save changes.
Novell Configure
Novell Configuration
You can operate the following functions by clicking a link on the Novell Configure Display.
After you modify the settings, please perform a "Printer Reset to PowerOn" to enable the new