Table B-9. Profile Setup Functional Group Commands
Command Function Page
CURLK(?) Link cursors in profile mode 6-30
DTRGD(?) Display Trigger Delay 6-34
GRAVG(?) Average between profile cursors 6-40
GPRST Reset min/max graph 6-40
GRCP(?) Connect points on profile 6-40
GRDATA(?) Display Graph Data 6-41
GRFS(?) Profile Reference line state 6-42
GRMD(?) Profile and Power vs. Time Mode Channel Selection 6-42
GRPIX(?) Profile type 6-42
GRPRD(?) Profile data collection period 6-43
GRPTP(?) Graph Pretrigger Percentage 6-43
GRSWP(?) Sweep to Sweep averaging 6-44
GRSWR Reset Profile Sweep to Sweep Averaging 6-44
GRTMM(?) Profile Min/Max tracking mode 6-45
GRYB(?) Set profile Y-axis bottom scale 6-45
GRYT(?) Set profile Y-axis top scale 6-44
Table B-10. Sensor Functional Group Commands
Command Function Page
AVG(?) Sets the averaging type for the sensor 6-17
AVGLL(?) Auto low level averaging 6-19
AVGM Manual Averaging 6-19
CFADJ(?) Cal Adjust 6-21
CFCAL(?) Cal factor manual setting 6-21
CFFRQ(?) Cal Factor Frequency value 6-22
CFSRC(?) Cal Factor Source 6-22
CFUADD Add an entry pair to a cal factor table 6-23
CFUCT Clear cal factor table 6-23
CFUID(?) Cal factor table identity 6-24
CFULD Cal factor table binary load 6-24
CFUPT Preset cal factor table 6-25
CFURD Cal factor table binary read 6-25
CFUSAV Cal factor table save 6-26
CFUSEL Cal factor table select 6-26
CFUTBL Cal factor tables 6-26
CFUUSE Cal factor tables used 6-26
CFUVLD Valid table check 6-27
CFVAL Current cal factor value 6-27
CVSPF(?) VGHz cal factor stop frequency 6-30
CVSPV(?) VGHz cal factor stop voltage 6-30
CVSTF(?) VGHz cal factor start frequency 6-31
CVSTV(?) VGHz cal factor start voltage 6-31
DUTY(?) Duty cycle 6-34
DUTYS(?) Duty cycle state 6-35
B-4 ML2430A OM