SENSOR The SENSOR group commands select the data acquisition controls for the se
lected sensor.
SYSTEM The SYSTEM group commands control the overall functionality of the ML2430A
Series Power Meter, including the system operation mode, cursor control, display
configuration, sound, printing, battery control and status, rear panel configuration,
graphics, system security, and system identity.
TRIGGER The TRIGGER group functions are used to program the triggering of measure
ment data. TRIGGER group commands are available in PROFILE operation
mode, and in READOUT mode if the SENSOR|SETUP|MODE submenu is set to
In CUSTOM, the channels are triggered simultaneously if the trigger conditions
are set to 1 and 2. This guarantees the trigger conditions are the same, and
therefore the readings are valid if taken at the same time.
Changes to the trigger configurations can be made using these GPIB commands
regardless of the power meter operating mode, but will not come into play until
the unit is configured to use triggers.
ML2430A OM 6-11