To draw a parabola
is the locus of points equidistant from a point (the focus) and a line (the directrix).
A parabola drawn using the [Parabola] command is drawn in accordance with this definition.
When you draw an parabola with the [Parabola] command, you need to specify three
different points: a line to define the directrix (Point 1 and Point 2) and one point for the focus.
Point 1 .............A
Point 2 .............B
Point 3 .............C
(1) Tap [Draw] and then [Parabola].
• This highlights the parabola button on the toolbar.
(2) On the screen, tap the two points that you want to specify the directrix (Point 1 and
Point 2).
• This causes a line to appear between Point 1 and Point 2.
(3) Tap the point you want to specify as Point 3.
• This specifies the point you tap as Point 3 and draws a parabola in relation to it and
the directrix.
Drawing Figures