Understanding the Tool Box Menus 331
Fax Settings
To display the basic fax settings.
Va lue s :
Receive Mode Displays the fax receiving mode.
Auto Rec Fax Displays the interval at which the printer goes into the
fax receive mode after receiving an incoming call.
Auto Rec Fax/Tel Displays the interval at which the printer goes into the
fax receive mode after the external telephone receives
an incoming call.
Auto Rec Ans/Fax Displays the interval at which the printer goes into the
fax receive mode after the external answering machine
receives an incoming call.
Line Monitor Displays the volume of the line monitor, which audibly
monitors a transmission through the internal speaker
until a connection is made.
Ring Tone Volume Displays the volume of the ring tone, which indicates
that an incoming call is a telephone call through the
internal speaker when Receive Mode is set to
Line Type Displays the line type.
Tone/Pulse Displays the dialing type.
Resend Delay Displays the interval between transmission attempts.
Redial Attempts Displays the number of redial attempts.
Redial Delay Displays the interval between redial attempts.
Junk Fax Setup Displays whether to reject faxes sent from unwanted
Remote Receive Displays whether to receive faxes by pressing a remote
receive code on the external telephone.
Remote Rcv Tone Displays the remote receive code to start Remote
Fax Header Displays whether to print the information of sender on
the header of faxes.