no - This command disables telnet sessions. If sessions are disabled, no new telnet sessions are
Default Setting
Command Mode
Telnet Config telnet sessions
This command regulates new outbound telnet connections. If enabled, new outbound telnet
sessions can be established until it reaches the maximum number of simultaneous outbound
telnet sessions allowed. If disabled, no new outbound telnet session can be established. An
established session remains active until the session is ended or an abnormal network error
ends it.
telnet sessions
no telnet sessions
no - This command disables new outbound telnet connections. If disabled, no new outbound telnet
connection can be established.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config telnet maxsessions
This command specifies the maximum number of simultaneous outbound telnet sessions. A
value of 0 indicates that no outbound telnet session can be established.