Nortel Networks 2300 Switch User Manual

420 Configuring and managing security ACLs
NN47250-500 (320657-F Version 02.01)
Viewing security ACL information
To determine whether a security ACL is committed, you can check the edit buffer and the committed ACLs. After you
commit an ACL, WSS Software removes it from the edit buffer.
To display ACLs, use the following commands:
show security acl editbuffer
show security acl info all editbuffer
show security acl info
show security acl
Use the first two commands to display the ACLs that you have not yet committed to nonvolatile storage. The first
command lists the ACLs by name. The second command shows the ACLs in detail.
Use the show security acl info command to display ACLs that are already committed. ACLs are not available for
mapping until you commit them. (To commit an ACL, use the commit security acl command. See “Committing a
Security ACL” (page 419).)
ACLs do not take effect until you map them to something (a user, Distributed AP, VLAN, port, or virtual port). To map
an ACL, see “Mapping security ACLs” (page 422). To display the mapped ACLs, use the show security acl command,
without the editbuffer or info option.
Viewing the edit buffer
The edit buffer enables you to view the security ACLs you create before committing them to the configuration. To view
a summary of the ACLs in the edit buffer, type the following command:
WSS# show security acl editbuffer
ACL edit-buffer table
ACL Type Status
-------------------------------- ---- -------------
acl-99 IP Not committed
acl-blue IP Not committed
acl-violet IP Not committed
Viewing committed security ACLs
To view a summary of the committed security ACLs in the configuration, type the following command:
WSS# show security acl
ACL table
ACL Type Class Mapping
------ ---------------------------
acl-2 IP Static
acl-3 IP Static
acl-4 IP Static