Rev. 1.00, 05/04, page 190 of 544
For both TMR_Y and TMR_X
Timer XY control register (TCRXY)
Timer counter_B (TCNT_B)
Time constant register A_B (TCORA_B)
Time constant register B_B (TCORB_B)
Timer control register_B (TCR_B)
Timer control/status register_B (TCSR_B)
Timer input select register_B (TISR_B)
Timer counter_A (TCNT_A)
Time constant register A_A (TCORA_A)
Time constant register B_A (TCORB_A)
Timer control register_A (TCR_A)
Timer control/status register_A (TCSR_A)
Input capture register_A (TICR_A)
Input capture register R_A (TICRR_A)
Input capture register F_A (TICRF_A)
For both TMR_B and TMR_A
Timer AB control register (TCRAB)
Note: 1. Some of the registers of TMR_X and TMR_Y use the same address. The registers can
be switched by the TMRX/Y bit in TCONRS.
2. The TCRXY is not supported by the program development tool (emulator).