Rev. 1.00, 05/04, page 37 of 544
Table 2.8 Branch Instructions
Instruction Size Function
Branches to a specified address if a specified condition is true. The
branching conditions are listed below.
Mnemonic Description Condition
BRA (BT) Always (true) Always
BRN (BF) Never (false) Never
BHI High C ∨ Z = 0
BLS Low or same C ∨ Z = 1
BCC (BHS) Carry clear
(high or same)
C = 0
BCS (BLO) Carry set (low) C = 1
BNE Not equal Z = 0
BEQ Equal Z = 1
BVC Overflow clear V = 0
BVS Overflow set V = 1
BPL Plus N = 0
BMI Minus N = 1
BGE Greater or equal N ⊕ V = 0
BLT Less than N ⊕ V = 1
BGT Greater than Z ∨ (N ⊕ V) = 0
BLE Less or equal Z ∨ (N ⊕ V) = 1
Bcc —
JMP — Branches unconditionally to a specified address.
BSR — Branches to a subroutine at a specified address
JSR — Branches to a subroutine at a specified address
RTS — Returns from a subroutine