Printing from the Print Job Screen
Deleting Locked Print Files
A Press [Prt.Jobs].
B Select [Locked Print Jobs] using the {U} or {T}key, and then press [Job List].
A list of Locked Print files stored appears.
Depending on the security settings, certain print jobs may not be displayed.
C Select the file you want to delete using the {U} or {T}key, and then press
The password screen appears.
D Enter the password using the {U}, {T}, {W} or {V} key, and then press the
{OK} key.
The delete confirmation screen appears.
A confirmation screen will appear if the password is not entered correctly.
Press [Clear] to enter the password again.
If you forget your password, ask your network administrator for help.
E Press [Delete].
The selected file is deleted.
If you do not want to delete the file, press [Cancel].