
Monitoring and Configuring the Printer
Use the “info” command to display printer information such as paper tray, out-
put tray, and printer language.
Printer information display
msh> info
For details about displayed contents, see p.253 “Getting Printer Information
over the Network”.
Use the “ipp” command to view and configure IPP settings.
Viewing settings
The following command displays the current IPP settings:
msh> ipp
IPP timeout configuration
Specify how many seconds the computer waits before canceling an interrupt-
ed print job. The time can be entered between 30 to 65535 seconds.
msh> ipp timeout [30 - 65535]
IPP user authorization configuration
Use IPP user authorization to restrict users to print with IPP. The default is
msh> ipp auth {basic|digest|off}
User authorization settings are “basic” and “digest”.
Use “off” to remove a user's authorization.
If user authorization is specified, register a user name. You can register up
to 10 users.
IPP user configuration
Configure IPP users according to the following messages:
msh> ipp user
The following message appears:
msh> Input user number (1 to 10):
Enter the number, user name, and password.
msh> IPP user name:user1
msh> IPP password:*******
After configuring the settings, the following message appears:
User configuration changed.