Print Settings Menu
❖ PCL Menu
You can set conditions when using PCL for printing.
❖ Orientation
You can select the page orientation.
❒ Default: Portrait
❖ Form Lines
You can specify the number of lines per page between 5 and 128.
❒ Default:
•: 60
•: 64
❖ Font Source
You can set the location of the default font.
• Resident
• SD Font Download
❒ Default: Resident
❒ When you select [RAM], you can select only fonts downloaded to the
printer RAM.
❒ When you select [HDD], you can select only fonts downloaded to the op-
tional hard disk.
❒ When you select [SD], you can select only fonts for downloaded to the
SD card.
❒ When you select [SD Font Download], you can select only fonts for down-
loaded to the SD card without the optional hard disk.
❖ Font Number
You can specify the ID of the default font you want to use.
• 0 to 63 (Internal)
• 1 to 63 (Download)