FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Builder
Configuring JDF Export settings
Job Definition Format (JDF) is a universal job ticket format. JDF
capabilities enable Process Manager to use existing JDF job
tickets and to create new JDF job tickets.
JDF job tickets are submitted via a hot folder. The hot folder is
monitored by the Process Manager application, which looks for
JDF tickets and submits them to the workflow.
To configure JDF Export settings
JDF Export settings allow you to designate a JDF Export file
destination. The filename cannot exceed 80 characters, and the
directory path cannot exceed 160 characters.
The output file of a JDF export task can be reimported and rerun
by dropping it into a hot folder associated with an appropriate
workflow. The files associated with the JDF must be in the same
location as the original job.
1. To access the JDF Export Settings dialog, double-click the
JDF Export step in a workflow.
2. In the Export Options section, select from the following:
•[Export the Process Manager workflow job as a new
JDF] to export the supported workflow nodes as JDF.
•[Export the JDF submitted with any modifications
made by external processes] to export the submitted
JDF. If external processes are present in the workflow, the
exported JDF will contain the changes made by the
external process nodes. For more information, see
JDF Export options.
3. Select one of the following:
•[Use job name as file name] to use the job name as the
exported JDF file name.
•[Use the following as file name] to specify a file name. In
the File name text box, type the name.
NOTE: If incorrect file characters (for example, \ / : * ? < >) are
entered, an error message displays.