
FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Builder
Setting up external processes
The External Process Setup dialog allows you to set up or edit
process icons, names, and profiles, or to delete a profile from the
Process Profiles list. It includes the following options:
Process icon: Allows you to select an icon.
Process name: Allows you to enter a name for the external
Process profiles: Lists, by name, the existing profiles up to a
maximum of 10. Listed profiles are selectable.
Add folder profile...: Available if 9 or fewer profiles are
configured. Opens the Folder Profile Setup dialog, which allows
you to enter a new configuration. If there are ten profiles
configured when [Add] is selected, the Maximum Allowed error
dialog displays.
Add CLI profile...: Opens the CLI Profile Setup dialog which
allows you to enter a new configuration.
Edit...: Opens the setup dialog for the selected profile.
Delete: Deletes the selected profile with a confirmation dialog.
See also:
Setting up folder-based profiles
Setting up CLI profiles
Using third party external processes