FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Submission Client
Job submission
Job submission involves a few basic steps.
Job submission process
• Locate and sequence the files: You can select files from
local disks, DocuShare, or from the document repositories. If
you are submitting multiple files for joining, list them in the
desired sequence.
• Select a workflow: Only workflows that have been enabled in
Workflow Builder display. Ensure the selected workflow
includes the processes necessary to meet the job criteria.
• Modify the process settings: You can modify process
settings to meet the needs of a job in the Configure Settings
area; for example:
– You can change page numbers or watermarks settings via
the appropriate process settings dialogs.
– You can change the job ticket settings (for example, the
number of copies, the stock) using the Job Setup dialog in
Print Settings.
• Name and submit the job: Use the default name or select a
new name, and then submit the job.