FreeFlow Process Manager Operator and Administrator Guide
Workflow Submission Client
The Submit Job area
The Submit Job area allows you to configure the job and sender
names and displays other job details.
Table 3-4. Submit Job area options
Component Description
Job name Allows you to type a meaningful job name.
Default: If there is only one file, the file name
displays here. If there are two or more files,
the prefix “multi” displays, followed by the first
filename, until a character limit of 40 is
Use file name as
job name
Available when multiple files are selected and
a workflow without a Join node is selected.
When selected, the “Job name:” field is
grayed out and the job names match the
submitted file names.
Number of files Reflects the number of files in the Get Files
Selected workflow
Contains the name of the workflow selected in
the Select Workflow area.
Submitter Allows you to type a sender name. The default
is the current username.
Submit Job(s) Submits the job and displays a confirmation
message. Label displays as “Jobs” when
multiple jobs are submitted.