Agilent Technologies B2201A Switch User Manual

Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2 4-3
Programming Basics
Programming Basics
This section explains the commands used for the fundamental switch control of the
Agilent B2200.
“SCPI Command Hierarchy”
“Fundamental Commands”
•“Switch Control
SCPI Command Hierarchy
The SCPI commands use a hierarchical structure for subsystem commands similar
to a file system. For example, in :ROUT:CONN:RULE command, the hierarchy is
as follows:
ROUT root
CONN sub-level 1
RULE sub-level 2
The colon at the beginning of the command means root.
The colons between two command keywords means moving down to a lower level.
A semicolon enables two commands to be sent on the same line.
For example, :ROUT:CONN:RULE ALL,FREE;SEQ ALL,BBM is the same as
the following two commands:
So, using a semicolon reduces typing and simplifies the program.
A command terminator (such as carriage return) resets the path to root.