Agilent Technologies B2201A Switch User Manual

5-50 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command memorizes the comment for the B2200 setup information specified
by memory_number. The previous comment will be deleted. The query returns the
comment for the specified setup.
Syntax :SYSTem:MEMOry:COMMent memory_number,'comment'
:SYSTem:MEMOry:COMMent? memory_number
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:MEMO:COMM 1,'1-1,2-13,3-25'"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be 1-1,2-13,3-25.
This command deletes the B2200 setup information and the comment specified by
Syntax :SYSTem:MEMOry:DELete memory_number
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:MEMO:DEL 1"
Parameter Explanation
memory_number memory number: 1 to 8.
comment Comment. Maximum 16 characters. If this command is
entered with empty comment, the comment will be cleared.
Numeric characters, alphabetic characters; upper case and
lower case, space, and the following symbols are available.
! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / > ? : ~ ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ‘ { | } ^ _
Parameter Explanation
memory_number memory number: 1 to 8.