Agilent Technologies B2201A Switch User Manual

4-22 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Capacitance Compensation
In Figure 4-6, C2H, C2L, C3H, C3L are the compensation coefficients defined in
the compensation data file. where, CxH is for the path connected to the Agilent
4284A Hc-Hp terminal, and CxL is for the path connected to the Agilent 4284A
Lc-Lp terminal.
When the Agilent B2220A probe card interface is used, obtain the coefficients for
C3x, and create your compensation data file. In this case, probe card will be used for
the C3x path.
When the connector plate is used, obtain the coefficients for C2x and C3x, and
create your compensation data file. In this case, triaxial cable with connector plate
will be used for the C2x path. And coaxial cable with positioner will be used for the
C3x path.
For obtaining the compensation coefficients and creating the compensation data file,
see “To Create Compensation Data File” on page 4-23.
Figure 4-6 Extension Cables and Compensation Coefficients