Agilent Technologies B2201A Switch User Manual

Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2 5-35
SCPI Command Reference
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:CLOS (@10101,10202)"
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:CLOS? (@10101,10102,10201,10202)"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be 1,0,0,1.
This command sets the connection rule (Free or Single Route) for the specified card.
The query returns the connection rule of the specified card. At *RST, all cards are
set to FREE. See “Connection Rule” on page 3-14.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:CONNection:RULE card_number,rule
[:ROUTe]:CONNection:RULE? card_number
Query response FREE or SROU <newline><^END>
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be SROU.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
rule FREE (free route) or SROUte (single route).
In the free route, multiple channel connections are
available for all input ports.
In the single route, only 1 channel connection is available
for each input port.