
7-4 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
-103 Invalid separator
An illegal character was received when a separator was expected; for
example, the semicolon was omitted between multiple commands in
a program message.
-104 Data type error
An improper data type was received; for example, numeric data was
expected but string data was received.
-105 GET not allowed
A group execute trigger was received within a program message.
-108 Parameter not allowed
Too many parameters for the command were received.
-109 Missing parameter
Fewer parameters were received than required for the command.
-110 Command header error
An error was detected in the header. This error message is reported if
the B2200 cannot determine the more specific header errors -111
through -114.
-111 Header separator error
An illegal character for a header separator was received; for
example, no white space between the command header and
-112 Program mnemonic too long
A keyword in the command header contains more than twelve
-113 Undefined header
An undefined command header was received; for example, *XYZ or
Error Message and Description