Agilent Technologies B2201A Switch User Manual

2-6 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
CAUTION Before Opening Packing Materials
The Agilent B2200 contains the condensation sensitive electronic parts. The
condensation will have a negative impact on the Agilent B2200 to operate normally.
Do not open the packing materials, and leave the Agilent B2200 to acclimate it to
the installation environment (temperature and humidity). If it is opened without
enough acclimation, the Agilent B2200 may damage.
When you open the box that contains the Agilent B2200, check the following:
1. Before unpacking any components, inspect all boxes for any signs of damage
that might have occurred during shipment such as:
Water marks
2. When you open the boxes that contain the Agilent B2200, check the components
against the contents lists that are attached to the boxes.
If anything is wrong, notify your local Agilent Technologies sales office.