5-48 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command enables/disables the front panel Light Emitting Diodes matrix when
the B2200 is in the GPIB remote mode. The front panel LED matrix will be
automatically set to ON by the mode transition from GPIB remote to GPIB local.
Syntax :SYSTem:DISPlay:LED state
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:DISP:LED 1"
When the B2200 is in the GPIB remote mode, you can display a string (maximum
39 characters) on the front panel LCD. This command specifies the string and
displays it on the LCD.
The specified string data is only displayed on the front panel LCD. It is not
memorized. So a display-change operation will clear and delete the string data.
Syntax :SYSTem:DISPlay:STRing 'string'
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:DISP:STR 'E:SMU1,B:SMU2,C:SMU3'"
This example displays E:SMU1,B:SMU2,C:SMU3 on the front panel LCD.
Parameter Explanation
state ON or 1: enables the LEDs (initial setting)
OFF or 0: disables the LEDs
Parameter Explanation
string String to be displayed on the front panel LCD. Maximum
38 characters.
Numeric characters, alphabetic characters; upper case and
lower case, space, and the following symbols are available.
! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / > ? : ~ ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ‘ { | } ^ _