
Copyright © 2007 • MCL Technologies • All Rights Reserved
Chapter 3 : Creating a Project
Creating a label
To show you how to design a label program, an example is used
extensively herein. This example creates Warehouse Shelving labels,
like the one shown below, for a self-service warehouse. The user would
print labels like this to indicate the location for all the products in the
warehouse. The labels would then be applied to the shelving racks in
the warehouse to assist customers in finding the product they want to
Text displays are used in the following example. However, the
procedure is identical for graphical displays.
To get started designing your label program,
1 Select the first (from top to bottom) available prompt screen on the
left-hand side of the 123Print Designer window
In the Warehouse Shelving example, the program first prompts the
User to enter the location in the warehouse for a given product. To do
this, on line 1,
2 Type Product Location:
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