72 Network Profiles
Profile Properties: Mobile
This Mobile page contains the basic settings for GSM network profiles. It is not included in any
other profile type.
● T
he version of this window pictured on the left below appears when creating a new
● The
tabbed version on the right appears when editing an existing profile
Although the window controls vary, the actual pa
rameters included are identical for both
The name of the network for which you are creating this profile. It is not editable.
Service Type
Select the type of service provided by this network. Most GSM networks now provide packet
data service. So, the correct selection here would be “Packet.” A few networks, however, may
still be using the older GSM/CSD for Data Connections. In this case, “Circuit” would be the
correct selection.
Note: If you have selected a network that only provides one type of service, this menu will only include the
type that is provided by the selected network.