Drive Error Codes 119
Drive Error Codes
2C51h The SCSI Macro command was aborted because the drive was selected first.
2C52h ATN was pulled by the initiator.
2C53h Initiator did not respond to reselect within the reselect timeout period.
2C54h No port interface task. The internal port interface task queue was empty.
2C55h Too many port interface tasks. There is no room left in the internal port interface task
2C56h Parity error on the SCSI bus
2C57h Parity error in the mini-buffer
2C58h Attempted to use an invalid value internally
2C59h The SCSI FIFO was not empty when attempting to write to it.
2C5Ah Not connected. Attempted to issue SCSI macro target command while not in target
2C5Bh Wrong host. Attempted to communicate with Host X while connected to Host Y.
2C5Ch Wrong bus state. Attempted SCSI macro command while in the incorrect bus phase.
2C5Dh No information on host. This host has not communicated with us previously.
2C5Eh Invalid speed. The saved SCSI bus speed for this host is corrupt.
2C5Fh Invalid SCSI ID, outside the range 0-15
2C60h The group code in CDB is not supported.
2C61h The host attempted to issue an overlapped command.
2C62h Not enough buffer space. The internal requestor asked for more space than was
available in the mini-buffer.
2C63h The mini-buffer is non-functional.
2C64h Buffer in use. The internal requestor was denied access to the mini-buffer
2C65h Status interrupted; the SCSI status phase failed.
2C66h Received an IDF (Initiator Detected Error) message
2C67h Received an MPE (Message Parity Error) message
2C68h Received a BDR (Bus Device Reset) message
2C69h Received an Abort message
2C6Ah Failed the Media Information check
2C6Bh There is no tape in the drive.
2C6Ch Loading a tape
2C6Dh Media changed. A tape is present in the drive but not loaded.
2C6Eh Cleaning the tape heads.
Code Description