
IXP43X Product Line of Network Processors—Hardware Design Guidelines
IXP43X Product Line of Network Processors
HDG April 2007
56 Document Number: 316844; Revision: 001US
4.0 General PCB Guide
4.1 PCB Overview
Beginning with components selection, this chapter presents general PCB guidelines. In
cases where it is too difficult to adhere to a guideline, engineering judgment must be
used. The methods are listed as simple DOs and DO NOT’s.
This chapter does not discuss the functional aspects of any bus, or layout guides for
any interfaced devices.
4.2 General Recommendations
It is recommended that boards based on the IXP43X network processors employ a PCB
stackup yielding a target impedance of 50 Ω ± 10% with 5 mil nominal trace width.
That is, the impedance of the trace when not subjected to the fields created by
changing current in neighboring traces.
When calculating flight times, it is important to consider the minimum and maximum
impedance of a trace based on the switching of neighboring traces. Using wider spaces
between the traces can minimize this trace-to-trace coupling. In addition, these wider
spaces reduce crosstalk and settling time.
4.3 Component Selection
Do not use components faster than necessary
Clock rise (fall) time should be as slow as possible, as the spectral content of the
waveform decreases
Use components with output drive strength (slew-rate) controllable if available
Use SMT components (not through-hole components) as through-hole (leaded)
components have more stub inductance due to the protruding leads.
Avoid sockets when possible
Minimize number of connectors
4.4 Component Placement
As shown in Figure 16 on page 57, when placing components, put:
High-frequency components in the middle
Medium-frequency around the high-frequency components
Low-frequency components around the edge of the printed circuit board