Mitsubishi Electronics Q64TCTTBWN Network Card User Manual

4.6 Auto Tuning Function
(7) Conditions where auto tuning ends in fail
The conditions are described below.
(a) Shift from the operation mode to the setting mode
Shifting from the operation mode to the setting mode (Setting/operation mode instruction (Yn1) is turned off
from on) ends auto tuning in fail. Note that an exception is when PID continuation flag (Un\G169) is set to
Continue (1). ( Page 131, Section 3.4.2 (43))
(b) Setting change of the buffer memory during the execution of auto tuning
If a setting in the following buffer memory areas is changed during the execution of auto-tuning, the processing
ends in fail.
(c) Out of the temperature measurement range
If CH Temperature process value (PV) (Un\G9 to Un\G12) exceeds the temperature measurement range
(CH Input range upper limit (b0 of Un\G5 to Un\G8) or CH Input range lower limit (b1 of Un\G5 to Un\G8)
becomes 1 (ON)), auto tuning ends in fail. ( Page 87, Section 3.4.2 (3))
(d) Time until the temperature process value (PV) reaches the set value (SV) for the first
time or a half the hunting cycle of the temperature process value (PV)
If the time below exceeds two hours, auto tuning ends in fail.
Time from the start of auto tuning until CH Temperature process value (PV) (Un\G9 to Un\G12) reaches
the set value (SV) for the first time
A half the hunting cycle of CH Temperature process value (PV) (Un\G9 to Un\G12)
Buffer memory area name
Buffer memory address
CH Set value (SV) setting Un\G34 Un\G66 Un\G98 Un\G130 Page 104, Section 3.4.2 (14)
CH Upper limit output limiter Un\G42 Un\G74 Un\G106 Un\G138
Page 110, Section 3.4.2 (19)CH Lower limit output limiter Un\G43 Un\G75 Un\G107 Un\G139
CH Cooling upper limit output limiter Un\G721 Un\G737 Un\G753 Un\G769
CH Sensor correction value setting Un\G45 Un\G77 Un\G109 Un\G141 Page 113, Section 3.4.2 (21)
CH Control output cycle setting Un\G47 Un\G79 Un\G111 Un\G143
Page 114, Section 3.4.2 (23)
CH Cooling control output cycle setting Un\G722 Un\G738 Un\G754 Un\G770
CH Primary delay digital filter setting Un\G48 Un\G80 Un\G112 Un\G144 Page 115, Section 3.4.2 (24)
CH AUTO/MAN mode shift Un\G50 Un\G82 Un\G114 Un\G146 Page 117, Section 3.4.2 (26)
CH AT bias Un\G53 Un\G85 Un\G117 Un\G149 Page 120, Section 3.4.2 (29)
CH Forward/reverse action setting Un\G54 Un\G86 Un\G118 Un\G150 Page 121, Section 3.4.2 (30)
CH Unused channel setting Un\G61 Un\G93 Un\G125 Un\G157 Page 126, Section 3.4.2 (35)
Cold junction temperature compensation
Un\G182 Page 135, Section 3.4.2 (49)