Mitsubishi Electronics Q64TCTTBWN Network Card User Manual

Appendix 5.6 When the initial settings were configured using a
sequence program
(1) Stopping operation
If PID continuation flag (Un\G169) is set to Continue (1), control does not stop even when Setting/operation mode
instruction (Yn1) is turned off. Change PID continuation flag (Un\G169) to Stop (0) and turn off Setting/operation mode
instruction (Yn1).
Whether the control has been stopped can be checked by Setting/operation mode status (Xn1) being off.
If a CPU continuation error (such as SP.UNIT DOWN and UNIT VERIFY ERR.) is occurring due to an error in the module
to be changed, the buffer memory data cannot be saved.
1. Open the "Device/Buffer Memory Batch Monitor"
[Online] [Monitor] [Device/Buffer Memory
2. In "Device Name", enter and display the name of the
CPU module device to be refreshed in the Q64TCN.
3. Select the following output signals and click
Turn off the output signals in the CPU module to
turn off the following output signals in the Q64TCN.
Setting/operation mode instruction (Yn1)
PROM backup instruction (Yn8)
Default setting registration instruction (Yn9)
Setting change instruction (YnB)
This operation stops the operation of the Q64TCN.