Mitsubishi Electronics Q64TCTTBWN Network Card User Manual

To change the mode back to the normal mode, perform [Edit] [Setting Item Reduction Mode] again and uncheck the
box to the left of [Setting Item Reduction Mode].
By changing the mode (normal mode setting item reduction mode, setting item reduction mode normal mode), the
settings before the change are all cleared.
When the auto refresh settings configured in the setting item reduction mode are read with GX Configurator-TC
The setting contents are not displayed properly. Only the device set to the start item of the group is displayed.
Do not edit the read out auto refresh settings using GX Configurator-TC.
(From the previous page)
3. Click the button.
4. Click the item to be set and enter the auto refresh
target device.
5. To set the device for a grouped setting items (gray
part), set the device to the start item (white part).
When the device is set to the start item, the consecutive
devices are automatically set to the grouped setting
items. (The left side window is the example when "D51"
is set to "Measured value/Alert setting".)